NZXT is a computer insurance company specialising in components and pre-built gaming PCs. They came to us looking for a comprehensive icon library to help distinguish and highlight the hardware they had on offer.

“Working with such a specialist, but passionate, company like NZXT was a great opportunity to push the boundaries what iconography can convey”
Andrew Burton
Creative Director at Shoreditch

Our design thinking
Consistency was essential when working through the complete list of icons for NZXT. Between both high and low-fidelity icon sets, we ensured conformity across stroke weights, endpoints, and curves.
Finished product
Ultimately, we created more than 200 custom icons for NZXT, covering everything from familiar UI icons to representations of their expansive product range.

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We can discuss, your project, our services, relevant past work, our rates, and how we can work together
Email us at hello@shoreditchdesignstudio.com